29 Dec New Year, New Chefs, New Look!
Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed your holidays, and that you took some time to rest and rejuvenate. I have recovered from my New Year’s Eve revelry, but suffice it to say I *need* to remember to stay away from the red wine. Oy, the headache.
Aside from that minor deviation, it has been a very busy couple of weeks. I tend not to do very well with, er, relaxing, so the year ended with us completely remodeling the Test Kitchen — and the rest of the place, for that matter.
There are new chefs at The Gilded Fork, new sections, and changes as far as the eye can see. Come and check it out!
Did I mention that our focus on coffee and chocolate this month may have something to do with the fact that I feel like an Energizer bunny right now? Scary.
food food writing test kitchen
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