Author: Jennifer Iannolo

Who knew a farm could be so enthralling? I spent Saturday touring the Rogowski Farm in Pine Island, NY, and was agog at the variety of delectable goodies growing in their fields. I discovered fruit and vegetable varieties I didn't even know existed, from cornhusk cherry tomatoes to watermelons whose insides...

We are beginning to experience cool mornings and chilly evenings here in New York, a reminder that Autumn is on its way. I'm literally counting the days, as for me, there is no sweeter time of year. But I'll save that thought for another day.In preparation for the cooking...

Having grown up in New York's Hudson Valley, I took for granted some of the farmland in the area — as a teenager all I wanted to do was get away. As a twenty-something, Manhattan's sidewalks summoned me like a siren, demanding exploration from my curious spirit. Now that I...

Happy Birthday, Julia Child. What a legacy you have left for us — your presence is greatly missed. In fact, this magazine would not exist were it not for the influence of your magnificent spirit on a young girl with an abundance of culinary curiosity.In honor of La Grande Dame de Cuisine...

I've found, much to my dismay, that recent work deadlines have prevented me from spending a great deal of time in the kitchen. Cooking has always been my way to unwind; to empty my mind of the stresses of the day and work with tangible, perishable goods whose delicate flavors...