Author: Jennifer Iannolo

I know our webmaster has a face that would stop a clock, but I didn't think that would *actually* happen. Nevertheless, it seems the calendar on our navigation bar stopped as of last Wednesday's update. Said individual is already in trouble for prior transgressions, so we'll just have to add...

As has become evident, I'm a bit of a food quote collector. There is one that always prompts a chuckle, no matter how many times I see it:A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.- James BeardHeh. I'll leave you with that visual...

Since the news of all that is happening has broken in my hometown, I would like to put out a request for anyone reading this who might be in touch with Mr. William Yachymiak, a former English teacher at CCHS.  I wrote an ode to him not long ago, as his...