Author: Jennifer Iannolo

My kitchen is enveloped in the scent of cardamom as I test the recipes for next month's issue of Gastronomic Meditations. In fact, I'm not sure they make a Ziploc bag strong enough to contain its powerful aroma.This will not be a problem until it starts to give off the...

Every time I think Kelly Cline has outdone herself, she sends along another photo that sets me to swooning. The woman is killing me. :)She and I have such a wonderfully symbiotic sense of aesthetics -- it's as if she can read my mind when we discuss shots for upcoming...

Once upon a time, a spotlight shown on the db burger, whose "supersized" version (the Royale) was the most expensive in New York. ...

Google seems to only partially understand that this is a food blog, given the proliferation of 'blog' blog ads downward and to the right. There is a bread one in there, so it's clearly reading SOMETHING. Perhaps if I mention food in every few words cuisine it will understand wine...